Recognition is how the brain manages to ultimately deduce an object class and carry forward previous learning about it. Without recognition there is no meaning. PDFÂ Next is Lesson 5. Thought.
Intuition is when older parts of the brain contribute to our response of their own accord. Designers who recognize intuition make everything easier. PDFÂ Next is Lesson 4. Recognition.
Context is the processing assumptions the brain has already made before information is consciously analyzed. Designers must never forget context. PDFÂ Next is Lesson 3. Intuition.
Attention is how the brain decides from all the information coming in, what to process further, into meaning. Designers use attention cues to help their viewers focus. PDF Next is Lesson 2. Context.
Introduction to HCI
HCI is human computer interaction. The Human Centered approach to software design is based on software working with people, not replacing them, in a “Best of both worlds” approach. PDF has links. Next is Lesson 1. Attention
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