Chapter 6

Quantum Realism Part II: The Observer Reality


Brian Whitworth, New Zealand

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.   Max Planck (Sullivan, 1931)

Figure 6.1 A virtual reality emerges as quantum reality observes itself

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    Quantum realism is the theory that quantum reality exists and it creates the physical universe as a virtual reality by interacting with itself (Figure 6.1). While previous chapters explained the observed in quantum terms, this chapter addresses the conscious observer. Consciousness is a mystery because nothing in the physical universe explains how we observe. No law of physics requires matter to observe at all and smartphones and driverless cars make complex choices without an “I” experience, so why don’t we? The mystery of consciousness is that a purely physical universe doesn’t imply or even allow the observer experience that we all report having.

QR6.1 What Is Consciousness?

QR6.2 Evolving A Brain

QR6.3 Evolving Consciousness

QR6.4 Discussion Questions

QR6.5 References
