QR 1.6. Shifting The Paradigm

Quantum realism is the inverse of physical realism because it makes the quantum world real and the physical world imaginary, rather than the reverse. It is a paradigm shift, just as when we shifted from thinking the sun orbits the earth to realize that it is the reverse. Paradigm shifts are usually resisted because they challenge traditional assumptions. The first resistance is often Occam’s razor, that the traditional view is simpler. The second is to defend traditional foundations. Only then, if the old paradigm is complex and seems poorly founded, is it scientifically tested. Yet the biggest obstacle to any paradigm shift is the belief that we already have all the answers.

QR1.6.1 Occam’s Razor

QR1.6.2 The Foundations of Physical Realism

QR1.6.3 A Paradigm Shift

QR1.6.4 A Query of Everything
