If the laws of physics varied with position, each new location would need new rules. In our world, changing direction changes the values but not the equations and this spatial symmetry is basic to physics itself. Yet neutrinos violate this principle because they always spin left-handed, an asymmetry that is reflected neither in the world we see nor the laws that describe it. As Pauli said:
“I cannot believe God is a weak left hander” (Lederma & Teresi, 2012) (p. 256)

What is spin-handedness? If you point your left thumb forward, the fingers of your hand curl in a left-handed spin and if you point your right thumb forward, the fingers curl in a right-handed spin. If your hands only move forward the spin stays the same but move one hand backwards and they both have the same spin, as reversing direction reverses the spin. Reversing an electron’s direction should create a mirror image of it that spins the other way by spatial symmetry and electrons do indeed spin both ways. In contrast all neutrinos are left-handed and all anti-neutrinos are right-handed (Figure 4.24). While electrons spin either way, a neutrino reversing direction still spins left and an anti-neutrino reversing direction still spins right. The standard model can’t explain why neutrinos spin the same way when they reverse direction or why changing a neutrino’s spin makes it an anti-neutrino. That the mirror image of a neutrino isn’t a neutrino contradicts spatial symmetry.
The photon structure derived earlier for a neutrino suggests an answer. When the first photon moved up or down on space to make matter or anti-matter, it also had to spin left or right and apparently it went left. The electron’s entangled photon set both spin left so their opposite directions let it have both left and right spin at once. In a physical event, an electron can spin either way and changing direction reverses both spins so it still spins either way, randomly.
One might expect the same for neutrinos but while the electron’s mass comes from both photon sets colliding, neutrino mass comes from only one of the photon sets. A neutrino reversing direction changes phase so what create its mass is now the other set of photons, which also spin left. When electrons reverse direction their mass origin doesn’t change but when neutrinos change direction the other set of left spinning photons create the mass. Neutrinos always spin left because when they reverse direction the source of their tiny mass changes.
Since a neutrino processing in reverse is an anti-neutrino, they always have right-handed spin for the same reason that neutrinos always spin left. The mirror image of a particle should be the same particle but the mirror image of a neutrino’s processing is not the same by the asymmetry that created our matter universe. A quantum processing model explains why neutrinos always spin left and anti-neutrinos always spin right.