QR4.8.1 Active Not Inert

The standard model has no null particle so it sees empty space as empty but modern physics doesn’t support this view. In quantum theory, quantum fields are alive with quantum activity that is entirely spontaneous, so we can’t predict when a physical event will occur and these fluctuations occur at mind-boggling speeds of 10-24 second or less (Wilczek, 2008) p74. That all physical events result from interactions between constantly active quantum fields explains why the world we see is constantly active and the Casimir effect shows that even space is a seething cauldron of quantum events.

Applying this discovery to matter, it may look inert but electrons are constantly active as shown by chemical reactions and electricity. Equally the nucleus may seem inert but we know from nuclear bombs that there is great power within it. Appearances deceive, as we see the sun rising and setting when in fact we come and go while the sun shines constantly. Likewise, the world of substance we see is actually a constant series of quantum events.

Quantum realism sees space as a constantly active null process and matter as light pulsing at a fantastic rate. The sun contains over 99% of the mass of the solar system, so it represents matter better than the rocks lying around on earth. Its constant activity depicts the quantum furnace that made matter. We call earth the “third rock from the sun” but the Gaia Hypothesis describes an autopoietic or self-organizing system that maintains a homeostasis of climate, atmosphere and ocean salinity, so it isn’t an inert at all (Margulis, 1999). That the cosmic systems around us actively maintain themselves as our bodies do is expected for a living universe. Conversely, one doesn’t expect constant activity from a dead universe, but that is what we see, so was the universe also “born”?
