The equations of general relativity imply that when a large enough mass collapses under its own gravity, nothing can stop it becoming a black hole, a region of space with gravity so strong that not even light can escape from it. It is now believed that nearly every supermassive galaxy, including our own, has a black hole at its center.

Physics has no force to stop the collapse of matter, so a black hole is said to be a point of infinite matter density called a singularity. The event horizon of a black hole is the region from which nothing, not even light, can escape the pull of its gravity (Figure 5.9). In current physics, a black hole is a singularity of infinite matter density that creates an event horizon around it.
In quantum realism, physical reality is digital so it has no infinities. To say that the equations “predict” a singularity of infinite matter density is to think an equation is a theory. That an equation generates an infinity usually indicates an error not truth. If the matter is quantum processing running on a quantum network, the network has a finite bandwidth of the processing it can handle.
It follows that just as the network has a finite transfer rate that limits the speed of light, it also has a finite capacity that limits the degree that matter can collapse in a black hole. That limit is the bandwidth of space that is reached when all the channels of node of space are filled. What stops the collapse of matter in a black hole is a finite limit on how much matter a point of space contain.
This implies that a black hole isn’t a matter singularity at all but a volume of space at maximum processing capacity, with no infinity. Adding matter to a black hole then needs more nodes of space, as each node of the black hole is already full. The evidence agrees that larger black holes occupy more volume. Recent theories suggest that black “holes” are in effect black stars, i.e. sources of energy absorption (Barcelo et al., 2009). Note that no quantum processing is lost in a black hole.
In quantum realism, a black hole merely represents the bandwidth of space.