Limitations. Limitations are possible flaws in the research including any necessary assumptions that were made. It is always better to declare limitations than to try to hide them, e. g. if the sample is small, state that as a limitation. Science accepts that limitations are normal in research, e.g. the limitations of a mathematical theory are called axioms and mathematics advances by declaring rather than hiding them. In general, a “fool–proof” argument is just one whose premises are undeclared. Every study has limitations and stating them suggests how others can improve on what was done, i.e. future research. It is also better to discuss limitations than to let them arise in a reviewer’s mind. Knowledgeable readers see the limitations anyway and wonder why you did not mention them. Declare and discuss any research limitations
Future research. Help the research community by suggesting how others could build on this work in the future. A large oak tree may arise from a little acorn so feel free to imagine future possibilities or outcomes. Remember that many things that once seemed unlikely have actually occurred, e. g. the Internet. Having directly experienced your research, you are well placed to advise others who follow, so do so. Having returned from a journey, tell others who go the same way what to avoid and what might be worth looking at next time. Discuss the future research that this research suggests.