This book began when I wondered why the maximum speed in our world is that of light. Einstein deduced that nothing can go faster than light from the facts, but didn’t explain why. Objective things could just go faster and faster, so why can’t they? The thought then occurred that perhaps the speed of light is a screen limit, just as my computer screen can only run at a certain speed.
In a virtual world, space is measured in screen pixels and time is measured in processing cycles. Asking what happens between cycles or pixels is like asking what happens to a movie between its frames, or a picture between its dots, when neither movie nor picture exist then. A movie running 70 frames a second seems continuous to us because our eyes only refresh 30 times a second. Likewise, a physical universe that refreshes at 1043 times a second seemed continuous to our instruments until recently. Planck length and time are the pixels and cycles of our virtual reality.
If so, the maximum transfer rate from one point to the next is one pixel per cycle, or Planck length divided by Planck time, which is indeed the speed of light. The values we use, like 186,000 miles per second, or 299,792,458 meters per second, just reflect our units, but in quantum units, the speed of light is just one pixel per cycle.
It follows that the refresh rate of space limits its transfer rate, which is the speed of light.