QR2.5.3 A New Perspective

Quantum realism involves looking at reality in a new way, not as what we see but as what we can’t see. Quantum waves literally can’t be seen by our measuring devices but we can still reverse engineer them, as that is how quantum theory was invented in the first place. Many still don’t believe in what they can’t see but that is changing. If waves we can’t see fill our phones with data we can, why can’t a quantum world we can’t see create the physical one we can?

One concern is that accepting quantum reality will lead to a God-theory that explains everything and predicts nothing, but reverse engineering doesn’t work that way as it assumes a finite processing source following the rules of computer science. Reverse engineering is an iterative scientific method based on testing and Chapter 4 gives a testable prediction that current physics denies – that pure light can collide.

Reverse engineering physical reality assumes quantum theory is a reality description and follows the facts. Doing this immediately explains some well-known physics facts:

1. Quantum randomness occurs. If the quantum collapse is a choice that occurs outside physical reality, this is no longer surprising.

2. Complex numbers work. If electromagnetism does rotate into another dimension, this is no longer surprising.

3. Planck limits exist. If our space and time are digital, this is no longer surprising.

4. Feynman’s sum over histories works. If quantum entities do take every path, this is no longer surprising.

5. Space curves in general relativity. If our space is a 3D surface, this is no longer surprising.

6. Time dilates in general relativity. If our time is created by processing, this is no longer surprising.

Quantum realism implies that the equations of physics aren’t fictional but literally true. If the equations of physics are good enough to use, why aren’t they good enough to believe?

The calculus used throughout physics illustrates the case. It began as a thought experiment, like quantum theory, that infinitesimals “in the limit” predict physical reality and like quantum theory, it worked brilliantly. Physical realism decreed that it had to be just a theory but why not see it as a reality description? If space actually does change in infinitesimal pixel steps and time changes in indivisible cycles, Zeno’s paradoxes are resolved. Calculus was only rejected as a reality description because physical continuity is a canon of orthodox physics.

Quantum realism is a new perspective on reality based on applying a known method of science to the facts of physics.
