In physics, matter and anti-matter are equivalent opposites, so while atoms in our universe have negative electrons, an anti-matter universe would have positive electrons but everything in that world would seem the same to its inhabitants because the laws of physics would be exactly the same. Why then do we only see matter all around us? Did the big bang produce:
1) No anti-matter, for some unknown reason?
2) Matter and anti-matter equally but the anti-matter in the universe is hidden?
3) Matter and anti-matter equally but matter somehow “overcame” the anti-matter?
Physics dismisses the first option by its equations and the second because no anti-meteors, anti-planets or anti-stars have ever been seen. The current view is that the big bang made equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, but then matter somehow overcame the anti-matter to give our universe. That no evidence supports this belief is called a “mystery” of physics:
“The lack of anti-matter is a deep mystery that cannot be explained using the Standard Model.” (Oerter,2006) p101

A clockwise rotation in a space is anti-clockwise from the other side (Figure 4.7a) but a first-up rotation on a surface will stay that way however it is viewed (Figure 4.7b). If our universe began with one photon, then it had to choose whether to first vibrate up or down with respect to the surface of space. As it had to choose, let us say that it chose first–up processing and all its offspring followed suit.
It follows that when the first photon chose processing over anti-processing, our universe became matter not anti-matter. If the first light evolved into matter only, not matter and anti-matter equally as the standard model assumes, then the anti-matter the standard model is trying to explain away never was. The first photon chose to oscillate one way and from then on anti-matter was a path not taken. Physical realism can’t explain why our universe is matter not anti-matter because that choice occurred before the physical universe began.