QR4.7.4 Charge Neutrality

In the standard model, matter arose like Venus from the sea, complete and perfect with positive and negative charge an optional accessory. Our galaxy is charge neutral so physics supposes the universe as a whole is the same, but how did that happen? If charge is an inherent property arbitrarily allotted, why did its creation dole out equal amounts of it? The current answer, that the universe is charge neutral because it was made “just so”, is unsatisfactory.

Quantum events repeat at a fantastic rate so anything not 100% stable re-configures sooner or later. Every option is tried until one “sticks” and is stable. Electrons, neutrinos and quarks survived the initial chaos and the first atom arose because a proton and an electron survive better together than apart. Every periodic table atom has equal protons and electrons for the same reason, that they survive better together than apart.

It follows that the universe is charge neutral because matter survived as atoms that are charge-neutral, so the universe is charge neutral by evolution, not because some designer allocated charge that way.
