QR4.7.5 Family Generations

Electrons, quarks and neutrinos have family generations, each like the last but heavier, so an electron has a muon elder brother of the same charge but two hundred times heavier and a tau eldest brother that is three and a half thousand times heavier! Up and down quarks have heavier charm and strange quarks and very heavy top and bottom quarks but again after three generations, no more. The standard model describes family generations but doesn’t explain:

1. Why do family generations occur?

2. Why only three generations then no more?

3. Why are higher generations so heavy?

Figure 4.25. Electron generations as dimension repeats

If an electron fills the channels of one axis, a muon could do the same on two axes and a taon on three (Figure 4.25). All are still point entities and no more generations occur because space only has three dimensions. Each is heavier than the last because more overlapping channels increase photon interference to increase the processing that is mass. Taons are so heavy because interference cumulates, just as one traffic delay can cause another.

If a muon is an electron collision doubled, why doesn’t it have a minus two charge? It does but we can only measure charge one axis at a time and after each measurement the system resets. On any one axis, a muon’s charge is minus one because the other remainders occupy orthogonal quantum dimensions. A quantum processing model suggest that the three family generations reflect the three dimensions of space.

One can’t dimensionally repeat a quark structure three times, so quark generations aren’t simple duplicates but the tail-tail-head planar triangle of an up quark can form a charm quark pyramid whose every side presents an up-quark’s charge but with more mass by interference. A tail-head-head down quark could likewise form a strange quark pyramid. Top and bottom quarks then fill a node with two up and down quark planes at right angles, with again more mass by interference. The mysterious generations of matter could arise from the dimensions of space and their large masses from quantum processing interference.
