Quantum processing spreading on the quantum network gives one quantum field that causes electromagnetic strong, weak, and gravity effects. In Figure 5.13 matter mass spreads as processing done, charge as processing not done and magnetism as processing spin, to cause:
1. Gravity. A processing gradient that weakly biases the quantum field load around all matter.
2. Electricity. A remainder gradient that interacts with other charges to bias the quantum field rate around them.
3. Magnetism. A spin gradient that interacts with other charges to bias the quantum field rate around them.
In each case, matter moves when a quantum field bias makes its quantum tremble occur more often one way, to eventually give movement in our time. One must push inert matter but quantum matter constantly moves based on its quantum distribution, so all that is needed to move it is a bias in the quantum field around it. Quantum processing spreading causes matter to move at a distance.
It follows that the fields of physics move matter by biasing its natural tremble not by invoking virtual particles from nowhere to push it. A gravitational field spreads a processing gradient that biases the quantum field load around matter. An electrical field spreads a remainder gradient that biases the quantum field rate around charges. A magnetic field spreads a spin gradient that biases the quantum field rate around magnets. These fields act at a distance because quantum processing spreads on the quantum network and matter moves when it trembles more often one way.
Quantum realism links electromagnetism to gravity which no other theory does. We could call gravity, charge and magnetism the gravito-electro-magnetic field, but the quantum field is simpler.