Physical space as a surface within a higher dimensional quantum space gives quantum directions that aren’t physical. In current physics, light vibrates into an imaginary dimension at right angles to its polarization plane but in quantum realism, light really does vibrate in a quantum direction that doesn’t exist in our space. The amplitude of a light wave is at right angles to its polarization plane, setting values in a transverse circle that we cannot see.

One might think that one extra dimension adds one quantum direction but it isn’t so. The three dimensions of our space allow three orthogonal polarization planes that give three orthogonal quantum directions. Mathematics agrees that adding a fourth dimension to space gives three quantum directions not one, all at right angles to each other (Figure 3.18). This lets light at a point vibrate in three ways at right angles to the three polarization planes through it.
Light moving on an axis can thus polarize in two ways, called vertical and horizontal, where a filter that blocks vertical polarized light doesn’t block horizontal polarized light and vice-versa. This is because light traveling in a direction has two different quantum directions to vibrate into. These are at right angles to each other, so what blocks one vibration doesn’t block the other.
Note: If physical space has dimensions (X, Y, Z), quantum space has dimensions (X,Y,Z,Q), with Q a fourth quantum dimension. Physical space has three planes XY, XZ and YZ but quantum space adds three more planes XQ, YQ and ZQ, so a photon vibrating into quantum space can do so in three orthogonal planes.