QR3.4.3 What is a Photon?

In this model, a photon “exists” as processing running on the quantum network regardless of how it is distributed. Whether a photon’s quantum wave is just starting at a point or spread out larger than a galaxy doesn’t matter as long as it runs. What exists is neither quantum states nor physical states but processing that never stops and is in our terms, immortal. To say that a photon has wave function is to maintain the stubborn illusion that it is a thing with a wave property. In quantum realism, the photon is the quantum wave and the “particle” we see is just a view created by a physical event. We observe a particle but what creates that view is the photon quantum wave. If “all the world’s a stage”, then classical mechanics describes the stage while quantum mechanics describes what is going on backstage.

A physical realist might ask “If a photon is a cloud of instances that can go through both Young’s slits at once, which one is the photon?” The question again betrays the assumption that a photon is a constant physical thing. Physical realism supports this view but quantum theory doesn’t.

We see a photon hit a screen at a point, like a particle, but that it traveled that way is just an assumption tacked onto the facts. Knowing how a photon arrives isn’t the same as knowing how it travels. Quantum theory tells us that photons travel as quantum waves but interact as point particles. Its critics couldn’t fault this logic because there is no fault. What can travel like a wave but arrive like a point particle? The next section suggests that a processing wave can.



QR3.4.2 Instantiation

Dynamic processing can spread on the quantum network by instantiation, an object orientated design method that allows screen objects to download processing from a source class. For example, if many screen buttons look and work the same, there is no point repeating the same code for each. It is easier to write a common program class and instantiate that code for every button. They must then look and act the same because they are instances of the same source process. This logic works for any screen object, like a drop-down menu or a mouse-over pop-up.

Quantum instantiation works the same way except that quantum processing is dynamic, so it also spreads on the network every cycle. Each instance, once started, begins the process of completing a transverse circle by accessing the photon server every cycle. A photon can then be envisaged as a spreading cloud of quantum instances that pass their processing on to their neighbors every cycle.


QR3.4.1 Light Spreads Forward

According to quantum realism, quantum processing put on the grid immediately spreads out in all directions, like ripples on a pool but in three dimensions. If a photon is a Planck process shared among the nodes of its wavelength, they in turn will also pass it on in every direction at one node per cycle, i.e. the speed of light. Huygen’s Principle, that light is a wave spreading with each point a new wave source, then follows from the nature of the quantum network. It follows that a light “ray” isn’t a particle traveling a linear path but a wave spreading in all directions at the same time, and it is this wave that goes through both Young’s slits at once.

Why then does light travel in a forward direction rather than just spreading out equally? It is as Huygen explained, because the wave has a “front” and a “back”. In our terms, the nodes at the wavelength front started after those at the back, so they are just starting to run the Planck process when those at the back are just finishing it. If the network passes on the processing of each node in all directions, what spreads backwards is cancelled but what goes forwards isn’t. The wave front moves forward due to the processing sequence of the photon wavelength, just as happens for a water wave.

Figure 3.12. Pond ripples spread

Gauss noted that when a pebble drops in a pool, the initial energy spreads out in ripples of decreasing strength such that the energy flux per ripple is constant, but for friction. As shown in Figure 3.12, each ripple is the same energy spread out over a larger circle. This principle applied to the three-dimensional “ripple” of light is that the processing flux is constant and there is no friction. That a quantum “flux” spreading on a sphere surface reduces power as an inverse square of distance gives the inverse square laws of electricity, magnetism and gravity. It also predicts that processing values cancel at the node as fields do at a point and that processing is passed on every cycle at the speed of light, as fields propagate.The next chapter attributes all the fields of physics to one quantum field.


QR3.4 Quantum Processing Spreads

We know how a physical wave spreads but how does a processing wave spread on a network? According to quantum theory, quantum waves spread at the speed of light after they start but that theory doesn’t say what is spreading or why it does so. If a quantum wave is a processing wave, it will spread at one node per cycle which as concluded earlier, is the speed of light. How then can a network “spread processing”? The computing method now proposed is called instantiation, a method that essentially allows a server process to run independently at many locations. Note that while the quantum no-cloning theorem (Wootters & Zurek, 1982) says that we can’t copy quantum states, the quantum system that made them in the first place can easily do so. In this sense, nature may be the ultimate copy machine.

3.4.1 Light Spreads Forward.

3.4.2 Instantiation.

3.4.3 What is a Photon?


QR3.3.3 Planck’s Constant

Planck’s constant is the basic unit of energy in physics so it’s the smallest possible energy transfer. If a Planck process is the fundamental quantum network operation, then Planck’s constant represents that process. The electromagnetic spectrum has many types of light, but if every photon is the same process spread out more or less, the simplest existence is based on the fundamental network process. Planck’s constant is a tiny energy transfer in our terms but at the quantum scale, one Planck process is the maximum node bandwidth. Since the total processing of any photon is just that, the smallest energy transfer is one photon. In our terms, the energy of a photon is a multiple of Planck’s constant but in quantum terms, the Planck process is divided over the photon’s wavelength.

In the last chapter, Plank’s constant defined the size of space as if it were smaller, atoms would be smaller and if it were larger, quantum effects would be more evident. Why then does the basic unit of energy also define the size of space? Current physics can’t explain why what defines the smallest unit of distance also defines the smallest unit of energy.

In this model, Planck’s constant is the basic energy unit because there is a core network process that sets values in a transverse circle whose number of nodes defines Planck’s constant. The last chapter defined distance as the number of node-to-node transfers, so the smallest distance is that between two nodes, which is a Planck length in physics. If each node set a planar circle of neighbors whose number defines its circumference, the circumference of that circle defines its radius which is by definition the smallest distance of space. Thus, the number of nodes in a transverse circle defines the basic energy unit and the number of nodes in a planar circle defines the size of space.

If the quantum network is symmetric, transverse and planar circles will contain the same number of nodes. So if Planck’s constant reflects the transverse circle size that defines the smallest unit of energy, it must also define the planar circle size that defines the smallest unit of space. In network terms, the basic units of energy and space depend on the quantum network density that defines the number of neighbor connections each node can have in a circle around it. Planck’s constant defines both space and energy because it derives from the quantum network density that creates both.


QR3.3.2 The Energy of Light

Energy is the capacity to do work, defined as a force times the distance it acts, so work is the result of energy and energy is stored work, e.g. as an object falls under the force of gravity, it acquires kinetic energy as it falls and that energy is released when it hits the ground. Light has energy and according to Einstein, mass is also a form of energy. The idea that energy transforms into different forms but is conserved overall has been very successful.

What then is energy in processing terms? The energy of light depends on its frequency, so higher light frequencies like x-rays have more energy. If short wavelength light is the same quantum process distributed over fewer nodes, each gets a bigger processing share and so completes the process faster. A long wavelength photon in contrast spreads the same process over more nodes, so each takes longer to complete. If higher light frequencies have more energy because each node gets more processing, energy is the quantum processing rate at the node.

Over a century ago, the energy of light was found to vary linearly with frequency. This wasn’t expected, as light was seen as a wave and the energy rate of a water wave varies as the square of its frequency. If light was a physical wave, a furnace emitting light at many frequencies should increase at all frequencies as it got hotter, so a very hot furnace should in theory give a lethal dose of x-rays, but in practice it didn’t. That light emitted from furnaces didn’t obey the laws of physical waves was called at the time the ultra-violet catastrophe.

Planck solved the problem by making atoms emit energy in multiples of a basic quantum amount later called Planck’s constant. Assuming the light emitted was not continuous gave Planck’s relation:

Light Energy = Plank’s constant x Frequency

That light energy varied directly with frequency not its square predicted the observed radiation correctly. Einstein then generalized this to apply to all light, based on the photo-electric effect, but why light waves arrive in the “lumps” we call photons was a mystery that remains to this day.

If a photon represents the fundamental process of the quantum network, it is basic in the sense that no activity can be less than it. Quantum processing can’t be less than a transverse circle because this is the fundamental network operation. How much this process is shared among the nodes of the photon wavelength defines how long each node takes to complete it, which is the light frequency. If the wavelength is longer, each node gets a smaller share and so takes longer to complete the process, so energy as the node processing rate varies inversely with wavelength and directly with frequency, as Planck deduced from the data. More exactly, if Planck’s constant is the transfer of one quantum process per second, energy as the node processing rate will be Planck’s constant times its frequency, which is Planck’s relation. Quantum realism thus derives Planck’s relation from first principles. We can call the fundamental operation of the quantum network a Planck process.

A water wave’s energy seems to vary continuously but light waves can’t do this. A photon is one Planck process shared on a quantum network where every wavelength is a discrete number of nodes, so its wavelength can increase or decrease by one node but can’t vary continuously. It must change one node at a time so each energy change is discrete. A photon’s energy is quantized because its wavelength is digital.

One less node running the same process changes the node processing rate, or energy, by a fixed amount as each node removed shortens the wavelength by one, leaving those remaining to run the same processing. As the wavelength reduces, higher energies are harder to come by because removing one node from fewer nodes changes the energy more, so the ultraviolet catastrophe didn’t happen. This predicts that the highest frequency of light, here called extreme light, is a wavelength of two Planck lengths, and that it must double its energy to reach the next frequency, which is empty space!


Note. The derivation is: Let one photon be a quantum process shared over the nodes of its wavelength. Let h represent that process as energy, E be the photon processing rate at the node per cycle and l be the number of nodes in the photon wavelength. Since the processing is shared between l nodes, so is the energy h, so the photon processing rate at the node E = h/l. If f is the number of quantum cycles each node takes to complete a quantum process that can run in one node in one cycle, then f = 1/l. The Planck relation E = h.f then follows. Note that this describes quantum units. To get our energy E in per second terms one must multiply E by c, the speed of light that reflects the quantum grid cycle rate of 1043 cycles per second, so E = h.c/l. In this case our frequency f = c/l giving the same result, which is E = h.f in our units.

QR3.3.1 The Fundamental Process

A particle model has fundamental particles but a processing model needs a fundamental process. In our computing, every processor has a command set, so an arithmetic processor might have “add one”, “subtract one” and “add zero” as core commands. Most computers have more commands but the basic idea is the same. As computing expanded to databases and networks, new commands were added, giving complex instruction set computing (CISC), until it was discovered that reduced instruction set computing (RISC) is more efficient.

The proposed command set for the quantum network is the ultimate RISC design of one command:

Set the next value in a transverse circle

A transverse circle on space permits positive-negative electromagnetic values and it always works because a circle ends where it begins. A full transverse circle completed by one node in one cycle is a null process, as equal positive-negative displacements cancel to the “nothing” of space. The displacements aren’t physical but just values set in quantum space, as complex number theory says. Light is then this fundamental quantum process spreading on the quantum network.

Figure 3.11. Light is a quantum process distributed more or less

Figure 3.11 shows how one circular process distributed more or less can give the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The fundamental quantum process (1) is distributed between (2) quantum network nodes (3) that run it at some frequency (4) as a wave passed on at the speed of light (5). As as a circle rotation can map to any sine wave, one circular process distributed more or less can map to any frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum. The frequency of a photon depends on how it is distributed because processing distributed runs slower not less. A longer wavelength divides the same process more, so each node runs more slowly.

Imagine two people sharing a shovel where in the time one person can dig one hole, two people sharing a shovel can only dig half a hole each, and if the shovel is shared among more people, each digs even more slowly. In this analogy, the “shovel” photons share is a server providing one basic quantum process per quantum cycle.

To review, one quantum process sets a transverse circle of values at right angles to space. If that process runs in one node, the displacements cancel to give space. If it runs in more than one node, the result is light whose frequency depends on how many nodes share the process, Sharing the process over more nodes gives light with a longer wavelength and a slower frequency. The process spreads each cycle by the pass-it-on protocol, leaving the nodes behind to run it to completion. As new nodes begin, others complete the process, so the total server processing demand per photon stays the same. Since the basic quantum process is also the null processing of space, light is in effect space spread out. A photon has no rest mass because if it rested for its wave train to catch up, it would become space. Every photon in the electromagnetic spectrum is the same quantum process distributed more or less.


QR3.2.4 The Speed of Space

Einstein deduced from how our world behaves that the speed of light is a maximum but he didn’t explain why light has that speed and no other and saying that light goes at light speed because it has no mass doesn’t explain why there is a maximum speed at all. Why not the speed of light plus one? What sets the speed limit of our universe? The current view, after almost a century of consideration, is that:

… the speed of light is a constant because it just is, and because light is not made of anything simpler.” (Laughlin, 2005) p15

Yet “because it just is” has never been a very satisfactory answer in science. The speed of a wave depends on the medium it travels through not the wave itself, so the speed of light should be defined by the space that physical realism calls nothing. If light is a wave of processing passed on a network, it must move at a finite rate if the quantum network cycles at a finite rate as our computers do. Yet while a 5GHz computer runs 5,000,000,000 cycles per second, the quantum network cycles at an astonishing 1045 times a second! If light is processing passed from one node to the next each cycle, its speed follows from the cycle rate and the node-to-node distance of the network, so what we call the speed of light is really the speed of space.

Yet the speed of light isn’t constant, as light slows down in water. When light moves in water, we say the medium is water, and if it moves in glass, we say the medium is glass but if it moves in space, we call it a wave of nothing! In quantum realism, whether light travels through glass, water or space, its medium is always the quantum network. Light slows down in water not because its medium is water but because the quantum network slows down when it has to process matter and the speed of light is defined by the speed of the quantum network. Light slows down in water for the same reason that a computer game slows down under load and it slows down due to gravity for the same reason.

The quantum network runs at different rates depending on load but photons still keep in a strict sequence, one behind the other, like the baggage cars of a train driven by the same engine. Each node passes on the photon it has then accepts another in the line. If the engine slows down under load near a massive star, photons go slower but still keep the same order, so in gravity lensing, photons from a cosmic event arrive on earth at different times by different paths but still arrive in lock-step order. This maintains causality, as if one photon could overtake another one might see an object arrive before it left! Causality requires photons to stay in sequence and the quantum engine rigorously maintains this.


Note: The speed of light c = LP/TP, where LP is a Planck length of 1.616×10−35meters and TP is Planck time of 5.39 × 10−44 of a second. This gives the speed of light as 299,792,458 meters per second (see here).


QR3.2.3 The Medium of Light

All waves vibrate a medium so a light wave needs a medium. Something must move to make light waves but with no physical ether, current physics simply declares that:

… we accept as nonexistent the medium that moves when waves of quantum mechanics propagate.” (Laughlin, 2005) p56.

In current electromagnetic field theory, electric changes cause magnetic changes that cause electric changes and so on, in a circular fashion. So light is said to be a:

… self-renewing field disturbance.” (Wilczek, 2008) p212.

This circularity begs the question of what renews the fields that renew? That an electric field powers a magnetic field that powers the electric field is like Peter paying Paul’s bill and Paul paying Peter’s bill. With such logic, I could borrow a million dollars today and never pay it back. According to current physics, light is a cosmic Ponzi scheme!

Figure 3.10. Physical waves vibrate matter up and down on a surface

Physical waves that move matter up and down as shown in Figure 3.10, inevitably involve friction so by the second law of thermodynamics they eventually fade, with no exceptions. Yet ancient light that has traveled the universe for billions of years to reach us still arrives at the same speed. Light as a frictionless wave of nothing is physically impossible so it can’t be based on any physical movement. A century of physics still hasn’t answered the question:

How can vibrating nothing (space) create something (light)?

Quantum realism answers that space is no more empty than an “idle” computer is idle, so the:

“… vacuum state is actually full of energy…(Davies & Brown, 1999) p140.

Space is active because the quantum network never stops so it is always “on” to power light. Electricity and magnetism correlate not because they mutually cause each other but because quantum events create both. Physical realism can’t say what powers light but in quantum realism, the quantum network maintains light as a wave.

Feynman called quantum theory’s quantum field a vector potential. Born called it a probability amplitude, Hiley called the quantum potential (Davies & Brown, 1999) p138, and others today call it the quantum function (), but none can explain how a mythical field predicts physical reality. Quantum realism calls it the quantum field and contends that it predicts physical events because it generates them.
