QR5.5.3 Quantum Spin Spreads

The other basic property of quantum matter, along with mass and charge, is quantum spin. We know that dividing a magnet gives two small magnets and joining two small magnets gives a big one. If big magnets come from smaller ones, all magnetism must trace back to the smallest possible magnet, which in physics is an electron.

Figure 5.11. Electrons align to give magnetism

Metals become magnetic when their electron magnets align the same way. If electrons align randomly the net effect is zero but if they align the same way, the metal becomes magnetic (Figure 5.11). In contrast, the electrons in plastics aren’t free to align so they can’t be magnets. Magnetism occurs when electrons align.

An electron is essentially a tiny magnet whose north pole is at right angles to its spin and its south pole is the opposite way. Spin is an inherent property of quantum matter, like mass and charge, so all quantum entities spin. In current physics, spin is imaginary because an electron as a point particle can’t spin but in quantum realism, an electron has a structure that spins in quantum space. Either way, quantum spin relates directly to magnetism and matter becomes magnetic when its electrons align their spin in the same direction.

Figure 5.12 Splitting a magnet gives two more magnets

A positive-negative body splits into positive and negative parts but instead of splitting into north and south parts, a magnet splits into two more magnets, each with a north and south pole (Figure 5.12). An electron, the tiniest magnet, also has a north and south pole even though it is a point particle that can’t split into parts.

A spinning electron has north and south directions not parts. If quantum spin creates a magnet, then north and south poles are directions related to spin, suggesting that a north pole can’t exist without a south pole, just as a plate with an up direction always has a corresponding down direction.

If spin causes magnetic poles, a single pole can’t exist but the standard model touts a magnetic monopole, an elementary particle of one magnetic pole. No evidence exists for magnetic monopoles but they are another fruitless standard model search like WIMPS, squarks and gravitons.

In this model, an electron as one-dimensional matter rotates about its matter axis. Recall that an electron must do two 360° turns to spin once. If electron spin was in physical space, a matter axis rotation wouldn’t alter it but as noted earlier, quantum space allows three additional orthogonal directions to give two more rotation planes through any axis. As electron spin occurs in all possible directions, it also spins in these planes so an electron needs two turns to spin entirely.

The Pauli exclusion principle lets opposite-spin electrons exist at the same point but not same-spin electrons. It describes an observed fact but quantum realism explains why. If two electrons at the same point spin in opposite ways, the first turn takes them into different parts of quantum space and the second turn does the same, so if one electron spins “up” and another “down” at the same point, they never overlap. In contrast same-spin electrons at the same point compete for the same quantum space that only one can fill. Quantum space explains why opposite spin electrons can exist at the same point but same spin electrons can’t.

In this model, the quantum processing of matter spreads spin on the quantum network, as well as mass and charge, so it creates a spin gradient around itself. If same magnets spread the same spin and opposite magnets spread the opposite spin, by the Pauli principle, same magnets interact to concentrate the quantum field while opposite magnets interact to dilute it.

Like charge, one magnet alone has little effect on neutral matter but for two magnets the spins interact to alter the quantum field between them. For opposite magnets, it dilutes as opposite spin electrons don’t overlap while between same magnets, it concentrates as they use the same quantum space. The expected effect is to slow down the quantum network between opposite magnets and speed it up between same magnets, and this causes movement as for charge.

A magnet alone doesn’t move because the quantum field around it is the same in all directions. But add a same magnet nearby and their spin gradients interact to slow down the quantum field between them so same magnets repel because they restart less often towards each other. In contrast, an opposite magnet nearby speeds up the quantum field between them so they attract because they restart more often towards each other. It follows that same magnets repel and opposite magnets attract due to an interaction between their spin gradients that we call magnetism.

Electric and magnetic fields then relate because both are based on electrons.If electricity is electrons moving as matter, their matter axes must align in the movement direction for it to happen. If electrons align their matter axes to move as electricity, they also align spins to give magnetism at right angles, as the spin plane directions are at right angles to the matter axis. Electrons moving one-way spin one-way but moving the other way spin the other way. A current creates a magnetic field because electrons align spins when they move. Equally, when a magnet moves, the magnetic field changes at right angles to a line from the magnet making electrons move that way as a current.

Attributing magnetism to the spread of quantum spin also suggests why magnetism disperses faster than charge, as while charge spreads in two dimensions by Gauss’s law, magnetism spreads in a more complex way into three dimensions.

In quantum realism, charge remainders interact to speed up or slow down the share cycle of the network between them and magnet spin directions interact to speed up or slow down the execute cycle. In both cases, the effect is to bias the quantum field to cause matter to move.


QR5.5.2 Quantum Remainders Spread

In current physics, mass and charge are inherent properties of matter with no connection but in quantum realism, mass and charge are two sides of the same quantum processing coin, where:

1. Mass is the net processing that repeatedly runs to overload a node, and

2. Charge is the processing remainder left over after the overload.

As all quantum processing spreads on the network by the pass-it-on protocol, the remainder must also spread. If the spread of net processing causes gravity, how does the spread of the charge remainder affect the quantum field?

If a quantum network node first passes on all its processing, its quantum cycle has two phases:

1. Share phase: Pass on all current processing to neighbor nodes:

a. Cancel: First, cancel any positive/negative processing.

b. Share: Then, share all the net processing left among neighbors.

Execute phase: Run all the processing received from neighbors:

IF a node overload: Request a restart from the server(s) involved.

a. If ignored: If no server response, drop the job.

b. If accepted: Restart processing from the server(s) as a physical event.

As concluded, gravity arises when the processing gradient around a massive body alters the execute phase of nearby matter, to make it overload and restart more often one way. In contrast charge, as a processing remainder, affects the share phase.

For bodies with opposite charges, the remainders cancel so the nodes between them have less processing to pass on. For same-charge bodies, the remainders add so the nodes between them have more processing to pass on. It is expected that nodes with less processing to pass on finish the share phase sooner, making their quantum cycle faster.

As a result, the quantum field between opposite-charged bodies runs faster but between same-charged bodies it runs slower. Each charge creates a remainder gradient around itself that interacts with other charges to alter the quantum network cycle rate. For opposite charges, that the quantum field runs faster between them makes quantum restarts occur more often towards each other so they move that way. The macroscopic attraction we see is the average effect of a quantum restart bias. For same charges, the quantum field between them runs slower so the effect is repulsion.

The charge remainder gradient reduces with distance to have a negligible effect on a neutral body, just as its gravitational effect is negligible, but when it interacts with another charge gradient, the effect is noticeable as opposite or same charges attracting or repelling. Unlike gravity, charge is based on the interaction between charges affecting the quantum field.

Gravity biases the quantum field load but charge interactions bias the quantum field cycle rate. In both cases, a quantum field bias around matter makes it move. Matter bodies restart every cycle, so if the nodes on one side of a charged body run faster than the other, they get server access first to restart more often that way, making charged bodies move together or apart.

Gravity and electric fields work differently because where matter restarts depends on:

  • Whether the quantum network overloads, where gravity causes a load gradient.
  • Where the quantum network overloads first, where electric field interactions cause a rate gradient.

Both effects arise because quantum processing spreads on the quantum network, and they reduce as an inverse square by Gauss’s law of flux. Physics sees the effect of a quantum field load gradient as a gravity field and the effect of a quantum field rate gradient as an electric field, but the same field causes both. They manifest differently because mass and charge are different properties of matter but electric fields come from the quantum field as gravity does. How then does magnetism fit into this model?


QR5.5.1 Electromagnetism

Figure 5.10. Current I creates magnetism B

Magnetism was thought to be distinct from electricity until Maxwell’s equations were found to define both. A static charge isn’t magnetic but when it moves, a magnetic field appears around it (Figure 5.10). If you wrap a wire around a nail and pass a current through it, the nail becomes a magnet. The magnetism stops when the current stops, suggesting that electricity causes magnetism. And if you wrap a wire round a magnet and spin it, a current is induced in the wire, so by the same logic, magnetism causes electricity.

Hence light is said to be an electric field vibration sustained by the magnetic field vibration it creates, yet mutual causation is illogical! That electricity causes magnetism that causes electricity is just another mystery that physics has learned to accept.

Some argue that magnetism is charge in another guise (Note 1), but if so:

  • Why don’t static charges and magnets interact?
  • Why is magnetism at right angles to the electric field?
  • Why doesn’t Gauss’s law apply to magnetism, as it decreases more like an inverse cube than an inverse square?
  • Why does dividing a charged body give positive and negative charges but dividing a magnet gives two more magnets, both with a north and south pole?

Magnetism behaves very differently from charge but that Maxwell’s equations describe both implies that they are aspects of the same thing:

“We will see that magnetism and electricity are not independent things – that they should always be taken as one complete electromagnetic field.”(Feynman et al., 1977)

But that we can explain electric and magnetic fields separately doesn’t mean we can explain electromagnetism, any more than explaining horses and birds might explain a winged horse. That the same field can be electric or magnetic depending on reference frame doesn’t explain why it has two different effects (electric and magnetic) that have different directions and weaken differently. Some say we don’t need to explain if we have equations, but equations aren’t theories. The current situation is that physics has no credible theory of what electromagnetism actually is.

It is now said that when charges repel, virtual photons batter them apart and when they attract, virtual photons push them together. Magnetism quite works differently from charge but the same virtual photons are said to cause it as well. One gets the impression that as long as the equations work, physics would be happy to attribute electromagnetism to fairies with photon wands.

Quantum realism argues that matter bodies spread their quantum processing, nothing else, so it must derive both electric and magnetic fields from a single quantum field.


Note 1. The argument is that a moving electron’s length is foreshortened by special relativity giving more negative electrons than positive protons in a given length of wire, hence parallel wires with opposite currents attract. In quantum realism, this is correlation not causation

QR5.4.6 Black Holes

The equations of general relativity imply that when a large enough mass collapses under its own gravity, nothing can stop it becoming a black hole, a region of space with gravity so strong that not even light can escape from it. It is now believed that nearly every supermassive galaxy, including our own, has a black hole at its center.

Figure 5.9. A black hole

Physics has no force to stop the collapse of matter, so a black hole is said to be a point of infinite matter density called a singularity. The event horizon of a black hole is the region from which nothing, not even light, can escape the pull of its gravity (Figure 5.9). In current physics, a black hole is a singularity of infinite matter density that creates an event horizon around it.

In quantum realism, physical reality is digital so it has no infinities. To say that the equations “predict” a singularity of infinite matter density is to think an equation is a theory. That an equation generates an infinity usually indicates an error not truth. If the matter is quantum processing running on a quantum network, the network has a finite bandwidth of the processing it can handle.

It follows that just as the network has a finite transfer rate that limits the speed of light, it also has a finite capacity that limits the degree that matter can collapse in a black hole. That limit is the bandwidth of space that is reached when all the channels of node of space are filled. What stops the collapse of matter in a black hole is a finite limit on how much matter a point of space contain.

This implies that a black hole isn’t a matter singularity at all but a volume of space at maximum processing capacity, with no infinity. Adding matter to a black hole then needs more nodes of space, as each node of the black hole is already full. The evidence agrees that larger black holes occupy more volume. Recent theories suggest that black “holes” are in effect black stars, i.e. sources of energy absorption (Barcelo et al., 2009). Note that no quantum processing is lost in a black hole.

In quantum realism, a black hole merely represents the bandwidth of space.


QR5.4.5 Gravity Slows Time

The special theory of relativity lets every mass in the universe have its own clock. I have one, you have one and our nearest star has one, so matter only has the same time if it has the same speed. General relativity lets gravity alter time as well, as time slows down near a large mass like the earth. It takes a lot of computing to make satellite navigation work because the clocks of GPS satellites tick at a different rate from the receivers on the ground. If one day people lived on the moon, time would pass faster for them so they would age a tiny bit more because the gravity is less.

If time passes when quantum cycles complete, whatever slows down quantum cycles will slow down time. Gravity as a quantum processing gradient that diminishes with distance slows down the network accordingly so time slows as it increases. The matter of the earth superposes its existence on the quantum network around itself to alter time, so a clock on top of the Empire State Building will run faster than one at the bottom. Gravity slows down time, as Einstein concluded, but it acts on the quantum network not time itself as time is a result, not a thing that exists in its own right.

Would one live longer on a larger planet with more gravity? It might seem so to others but the quantum cycles experienced would be the same. Living on a larger planet stretches time relative to earth but it doesn’t change the lifetime one experiences.


QR5.4.4 Gravity Bends Light

Figure 5.8. Light bends when a lift moves up

Einstein deduced that gravity bends light by imagining a flashlight shining horizontally in a lift accelerating upwards (Figure 5.8). As the lift accelerates up, the light curves relative to it, so if gravity equates to acceleration, it should bend light. Light should “fall” by gravity as matter does and light passing the sun is indeed bent. The logic worked but how can matter move massless light at a distance if the standard model has no particle that can push light around?

The sun is so massive that its quantum field fills the solar system to keep planets in orbit far beyond the earth 93 million miles away. A photon passing the sun is a processing wave that moves by spreading in every direction. The processing gradient of the sun that is its gravity also slows down the spread of the photon wave nearer the sun for the same reason that light is bent by refraction (3.6.2) when it moves from air to water.

Water has more matter than air so it requires more quantum processing which slows down the node cycle rate to make light move slower in water. If one side of a spreading wave goes slower than the rest, it is skewed that way, so light entering water bends in the direction of the water because it is a spreading wave. In the same way, a photon of light passing the sun is a spreading wave that bends towards the sun because the network closer to the sun runs more slowly. Light has no mass but it has quantum processing so the gravity gradient of the sun bends it.


QR5.4.3 Gravity and Photons

In quantum realism, the earth is a quantum aggregate that spreads it existence around itself to cause its gravity. It in effect superposes its existence on the space around it.

Gravity can’t be blocked so no anti-gravity shield is possible. If gravitons caused gravity, anti-gravitons could create an anti-gravity shield but no evidence supports this. Likewise, if gluons held the nucleus together, an anti-gluon stream could break it apart but again there is no evidence even though anti-gluons are said to exist. And since a photon of the right phase can cancel another, one could cancel the virtual photons of electricity and magnetism with the appropriate light but again there is no evidence for this. It is more likely that it isn’t possible to block a spreading quantum field by any physical means at all.

A matter aggregate moves when its quantum parts move. If those parts constantly jiggle, the whole moves when they all take a quantum step one way. This is unlikely but quantum events occur at such a fantastic rate that it will eventually occur if the jiggle of each part is biased one way. Hence matter moves incredibly slowly compared to light.

When an object falls to earth, the earth’s quantum field participates in the node overloads that cause quantum restarts so some of the earth’s photons are likely to restart in the object. As the body moves to the earth, its mass will then acquire photons in that direction. Matter that constantly acquires photons from the earth superposed around as it falls will accelerate. If kinetic energy is based on photons, a matter body that continually acquires photons will accelerate.

Gravity then causes acceleration because its superposed quantum existence around a falling body both causes movement and adds photons to the body to accelerate it. Gravity is equivalent to acceleration because both have the same quantum cause, namely the acquisition of photons.


QR5.4.2 The Gravity Gradient

Newton discovered gravity but found it inconceivable that inanimate matter caused it:

It is inconceivable, that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual contact;…(Wilczek, 2008) p77

If matter only moves when other matter pushes it, how can gravity move matter at a distance without direct contact? Physical realism had no answer then and it still can’t explain gravity today as that inanimate brute matter distorts space and time is as inconceivable as that it acts at a distance! Assuming that only particles cause forces, physics attributed electromagnetism to virtual photons but this trick didn’t work for gravity and Einstein’s relativity didn’t make it any less magical.

In quantum realism, an electron is a photon ensemble constantly restarting in a network node. This activity creates a quantum field around it that lets electrons “tunnel” to places they can’t travel to. The earth as a huge bulk of matter creates a huge quantum field around it that has effects far beyond its surface. Passengers in a plane high above the earth sit in seats thanks to gravity and compasses show the earth’s magnetic field is there in the plane. Physics attributes gravity to gravitons and magnetism to virtual photons but quantum realism only has the quantum field. It is called an imaginary existence field as it defines where matter might exist but in quantum realism it is a real existence field that defines where quantum activity exists. In these terms, matter spreads its existence around itself as quantum processing.

Figure 5.7 Gauss’s Flux Law

How then does the earth’s quantum field spread? According to Gauss’s theorem, any flux spreading out over a sphere surface diminishes as the inverse square of its radius (Figure 5.7) (Note1) so if quantum processing spreads as a flux, the quantum field reduces as an inverse square of distance. The reduction in strength with distance gives a processing gradient that can explain gravity.

For a matter satellite orbiting the earth, the quantum field on the side nearer the earth has more processing than the side further away. If every node of matter naturally trembles on the quantum level, increasing the quantum field one way will make it restart more often that way. If each matter entity in the satellite restarts randomly based on the quantum field, increasing the field on one side will make it more likely to restart that way. The earth then moves matter not by “pushing” it but by increasing the quantum field on the side nearer to it so it restarts more often that way.

Classical objects only move when pushed but in quantum theory, an electron can jump to any point in its quantum field without anything pushing it. The earth’s quantum field is so massive that its processing gradient makes quantum entities tremble more often one way to cause movement in our terms. In quantum realism, gravity is the quantum field of a massive body creating a processing gradient that biases the tremble of quantum matter towards itself.


Note 1. The flux transferred across a sphere surface reduces as the inverse square of its radius 1/r2. Newton’s law of gravity F = g.m1.m2/r2 with m1 and m2 masses and g constant is an inverse square flux law, as is Coulomb’s law F = k.q1.q2/r2 with charges q1 and q2 and k constant. Both laws come from Gauss’s flux law.

QR5.4.1 Free-fall is Acceleration

When a plane accelerates, the back of the seat pushes passengers to keep up with the plane but parachutists in free-fall accelerate without feeling a force at all. A parachutist jumping from a plane in a free-fall feels no force as gravity accelerates them to the earth so as Douglas Adams said:

It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end.

But how can matter go faster and faster when nothing is pushing it? Einstein’s insight was to link the force of gravity to a free-fall acceleration that equates to being at rest. His conclusion that gravity isn’t a force at all but due to the earth curving space and time around it was he said “the happiest thought of my life!” He deduced that the force of gravity is equivalent to an acceleration, so people in a rocket accelerating at 1g feel a force pulling them down exactly like gravity on earth. Inside the rocket, they can sit down and have a cup of tea just as they do on earth thanks to gravity. Gravity is indistinguishable from an acceleration except that no particles “push” matter to make it happen.

Instead of particles causing the acceleration of gravity, Einstein deduced that the earth warps time and space around it. He replaced Newton’s inexplicable force-at-a-distance gravity by a gravity that inexplicably distorts space and time. For Newton, space was the stage on which objects acted in common time but for Einstein, matter changed the space and time that define movement. If the earth distorts space and time, particles following straight paths curve as if under the influence of a force. Einstein’s gravity redefined what it means to move in a straight line.

Centuries earlier, Galileo discovered that but for friction, all masses fall at the same speed because gravity and inertia both increase equally with mass. A heavier object has more gravity pull but it also has more inertia, so the effects cancel. Einstein added that it is so because gravity is an acceleration that varies with mass just as inertia does. It was a brilliant solution but it left the standard model with a force that none of its particles could explain.
